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Therac-25 arguments

From both Hager’s and the operators’ standpoints, the decision must be made whether to recommend the continued operation of the Therac-25 units while investigating into the complaints of possible machine-caused radiation overdoses or to stop operating the units until the cause of the complaints of radiation overdose are identified and verified. Construct an argument for continued operation of the units while investigating. Construct another argument that all operation should cease until all the complaints are thoroughly investigated.

Where does your group find its case?

  1. To prepare for the Ethics Bowl, your group will be given a set of 10 to 15 short scenarios.
  2. At the beginning of the competition, your group will draw from a hat the case you will be presenting. Accompanying this case is a question. Your presentation will be tasked with answering this question in the context of the case.
  3. This case will also serve as the subject and focus of your written group analysis due on the final exam date during the final exam time period. Your goal in your written analysis is to rework your answer to the question incorporating the feedback you received during the commentary of the other team and the questions asked by the judges.
  4. A template below will provide a step by step process for carrying out this process.
In-depth group case analysis
Activity Description Checklist
Case Summary A short, concise summary of your case. This should be more than a translation or paraphrasing of the case.
Recapitulation of Competition A detailed account of the presentation your group gave during the Ethics Bowl that includes the following: (a) a clear, comprehensive, and concise summary of the other team's commentary; (b) an account of how your team responded to the other team's commentary; (c) an itemization of the questions asked and the answers composed by your team during the competition; (d) a reasoned statement of how your group responded to this feedback as well as the scoring of the competition.
Refined Analysis A revised analysis of the case and question that incorporates the other team's commentary and the judge's response.
Multiple Viewpoints A "devil's advocate" section consisting of a clear, full, and strong statement of a position opposed to that of your team's. This could incorporate the comments of the other team and judges or result from your group's own deliberation
Reaffirmation and Conclusion A section defending your group's position against the devil's advocate position and concluding your case analysis.
Final group self-evaluation
Activity Description Checklist
Goal Restatement Restate the Ethical and Practical Goals that your group developed at the beginning of its formation.
Goal Assessment Provide a careful, documented assessment of your group’s success in meeting these goals. (Don’t just assert that “Our group successfully realized justice in all its activities this semester.” How did your group characterize justice in the context of its work? What specific activities did the group carry out to realize this value? What, among these activities, worked and what did not work?
Discussion of Obstacles Identify obstacles, shortcomings or failures that you group experienced during the semester. How did these arise? Why did they arise? How did you respond to them? Did your response work? What did you learn from this experience?
Plan Assessment Assess the plans you set forth in your initial report on how you intended to realize values and avoid pitfalls. How did these work? Did you stick to your plans or did you find it necessary to change or abandon them in the face of challenges?
Procedure Assessment Discuss your group’s procedures and practices? How did you divide and allocate work tasks? How did you reach consensus on difficult issues? How did you ensure that all members were respected and allowed significant and meaningful participation? What worked and what did not work with respect to these procedures? Will you repeat them in the future? Would you recommend these procedures as best practices to future groups?
Lessons Learned What did you learn from your experience working as a team this semester? What will require further reflection and thought? In other words, conclude your self-evaluation with a statement that summarizes your experience working together as a team this semester

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Source:  OpenStax, Using the ethics bowl to integrate ethics into the business and professional curriculum. OpenStax CNX. Dec 20, 2009 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col10411/1.2
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