second almost universal requirement is that the wavelet system
generates a multiresolution analysis (MRA). This means that alow resolution function (low scale
) can be expanded in terms
of the same function at a higher resolution (higher
). This
is stated by requiring that the generator of a MRA waveletsystem, called a scaling function
, satisfies
This equation, called the
refinement equation or the
MRA equation or
basic recursion equation , is similar to a
differential equation in that its solution is what defines thebasic scaling function and wavelet
[link] ,
[link] .
The current state of the art is that most of the necessary and
sufficient conditions on the coefficients
are known for
the existence, uniqueness, orthogonality, and other propertiesof
. Some of the theory parallels Fourier theory and
some does not.
third important feature of a MRA wavelet system is a
discrete wavelet transform (DWT) can be calculated by a digitalfilter bank using what is now called Mallat's algorithm.
Indeed, this connection with digital signal processing (DSP) hasbeen a rich source of ideas and methods. With this filter bank,
one can calculate the DWT of a length-N digital signal withorder N operations. This means the number of multiplications
and additions grows only linearly with the length of the signal.This compares with
for an FFT and
for most
methods and worse than that for some others.
These basic ideas came from the work of Meyer, Daubechies,
Mallat, and others but for a time looked like a solution lookingfor a problem. Then a second phase of research showed there are
many problems to which the wavelet is an excellent solution. Inparticular, the results of Donoho, Johnstone, Coifman, Beylkin, and
others opened another set of doors.
Generalization of the basic wavelet system
After (in some cases during) much of the development of the above
basic ideas,a number of generalizations
[link] were made. They are listed below:
- A larger integer scale factor than
can be used to give a
more general
M-band refinement equation
than the “dyadic" or octave based
Equation 4 from Rational Function Approximation . This also
gives more than two channels in the accompanying filter bank. Itallows a uniform frequency resolution rather than the resulting
logarithmic one for
- The wavelet system called a
wavelet packet is generated by
“iterating" the wavelet branches of the filter bank to give afiner resolution to the wavelet decomposition. This was
suggested by Coifman and it too allows a mixture of uniform andlogarithmic frequency resolution. It also allows a relatively
simple adaptive system to be developed which has anautomatically adjustable frequency resolution based on the
properties of the signal.
- The usual requirement of translation orthogonality of the
scaling function and wavelets can be relaxed to give what iscalled a
biorthogonal system
[link] . If the expansion
basis is not orthogonal, a dual basis can be created that willallow the usual expansion and coefficient calculations to be
made. The main disadvantage is the loss of a Parseval's theoremwhich maintains energy partitioning. Nevertheless, the greater
flexibility of the biorthogonal system allows superiorperformance in many compression and denoising applications.
- The basic refinement
Equation 4 from Rational Function Approximation gives the scaling
function in terms of a compressed version of itself(self-similar). If we allow two (or more) scaling functions,
each being a weighted sum of a compress version of both, a moregeneral set of basis functions results. This can be viewed as a
vector of scaling functions with the coefficients being a matrixnow. Once again, this generalization allows more flexibility in
the characteristics of the individual scaling functions andtheir related multi-wavelets. These are called
systems and are still being developed.
- One of the very few disadvantages of the discrete wavelet
transform is the fact it is not shift invariant. In otherwords, if you shift a signal in time, its wavelet transform not
only shifts, it changes character! For many applications indenoising and compression, this is not desirable although it may
be tolerable. The DWT can be made
shift-invariant by
calculating the DWT of a signal for all possible shifts andadding (or averaging) the results. That turns out to be
equivalent to removing all of the down-samplers in theassociated filter bank (an
undecimated filter bank ), which
is also equivalent to building an overdetermined or
redundant DWT from a traditional wavelet basis. Thisovercomplete system is similar to a “tight frame" and maintains
most of the features of an orthogonal basis yet is shiftinvariant. It does, however, require
- Wavelet systems are easily modified to being an adaptive system
where the basis adjusts itself to the properties of the signalor the signal class. This is often done by starting with a
large collection or library of expansion systems and bases. Asubset is adaptively selected based on the efficiency of the
representation using a process sometimes called
pursuit .
In other words, a set is chosen that will result in the smallestnumber of significant expansion coefficients. Clearly, this is
signal dependent, which is both its strength and its limitation.It is nonlinear.
- One of the most powerful structures yet suggested for using
wavelets for signal processing is to first take the DWT, then doa point-wise linear or nonlinear processing of the DWT,
finally followed by an inverse DWT. Simply setting some of thewavelet domain expansion terms to zero results in linear wavelet
domain filtering, similar to what would happen if the same weredone with Fourier transforms.
[link] ,
[link] and others have shown by using
some form of nonlinear thresholding of the DWT, one can achieve nearoptimal denoising or compression of a signal. The concentrating
or localizing character of the DWT allows this nonlinearthresholding to be very effective.
The present state of activity in wavelet research and
application shows great promise based on the abovegeneralizations and extensions of the basic theory and
[link] . We now have conferences, workshops, articles,
newsletters, books, and email groups that are moving the stateof the art forward. More details, examples, and software are
given in
[link] ,
[link] ,
[link] .