Question 24 / 27:  You have spent years to identify the gene for a rare, dominantly inherited paralytic disease.

The disease is characterized by a temporary inability to generate action potentials in the muscle after heavy exercise.

The gene you finally identify encodes an inwardly rectifying potassium channel, and the disease is correlated with a single amino acid change in its selectivity filter.

Experiments on mutant channels expressed in cultured cells indicate that the channel becomes less selective for K+ when lactic acid builds up and the residue is protonated.

What is the single most likely etiology for the disease?

A  Na+ influx depolarizes the muscle to a region where voltage-gated Na+ channels are largely
B  Because the channel is less K+ -selective, K+ leaks into the muscle, shifting the K+ Nernst
potential more negative and hyperpolarizing the cell
C  Ca2+ influx stimulates continuous neurotransmitter release, and desensitization of nACh receptors
D  K+ accumulation in the T-tubules depolarizes the muscle cells
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Introduction to Neuroscience Exam #1 (HST.131)


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Attribution:  Corey, David. HST.131 Introduction to Neuroscience, Fall 2005. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 12 Apr, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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