Question 6 / 8: 

Consider the case-control study below to answer Questions 6 and 7

Maternal coffee and alcohol consumption during pregnancy, parental smoking and risk of childhood leukemia

Florence Menegaux et al. Cancer Detection and Prevention 29 (2005) 487-493. Accessed from

We investigated the role of maternal alcohol and coffee drinking and parental

smoking on the risk of childhood acute leukemia in a multicenter case-control study. Methods: The study

included 280 incident cases and 288 hospitalized controls, frequency matched with the cases by age,

What was the exposure(s) of interest? What was the outcome(s) of interest?
The exposures of interest were maternal smoking and the consumption of coffee

and alcohol during pregnancy. The outcome of interest was acute leukemia (ALL or ANLL)

in the child This is an example of a case-control study that examined more than one

exposure in relation to a single outcome.

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Epidemiology & Biostatistics Case-control Studies


Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Janet, E.A. Forrester, Kwan Ho Kenneth Chui, Steven Cohen, Michael D. Kneeland, Alice Tang, David Tybor. Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2010. (Tufts University OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 3 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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