Question 7 / 23:  What are the structural and functional relations between the cerebellar cortex and the deep, or central, nuclei?
A.  Deep nuclei receive input from Purkinje cells.
B.  Deep nuclei receive input from mossy fibers.
C.  Deep nuclei receive input from climbing fibers.
D.  All of the above.
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Purkinje cells synapse in one of the four deep nuclei and have an inhibitory effect. The mossy and climbing fibers as they enter the cerebellum give off collaterals that excite the cells in the deep cerebellar nuclei.

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Neuroanatomy 11 The Cerebellum


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Attribution:  Stephen C. Voron, M.D., Suzanne S. Stensaas, Ph.D. , Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132,
Saylor Foundation
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