Which one is called in the main()? Is it the static or the non-static print()?
Calling static or non-static members from inside a static block has rules.
You can call a static method inside a static block by either using:
1. no instance of the parent class of the method (if in the same class): print()
2. an instance of the parent class of the method : new Tester().print();
3. the name of the parent class of the method : Tester.print();
But to call a non static method inside a static block you can only do that through an instance of the parent class of the method.
new Tester().print();
In our example , the static method main() is calling directly print() using NO instance of the class Tester, which means main() is calling the static method print().
Quest for all: if we wrote inside main():
new Tester().print(new Integer(3));
What is the output?
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