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By the end of this section, you will be able to:
  • Define a thermodynamic process
  • Distinguish between quasi-static and non-quasi-static processes
  • Calculate physical quantities, such as the heat transferred, work done, and internal energy change for isothermal, adiabatic, and cyclical thermodynamic processes

In solving mechanics problems, we isolate the body under consideration, analyze the external forces acting on it, and then use Newton’s laws to predict its behavior. In thermodynamics, we take a similar approach. We start by identifying the part of the universe we wish to study; it is also known as our system. (We defined a system at the beginning of this chapter as anything whose properties are of interest to us; it can be a single atom or the entire Earth.) Once our system is selected, we determine how the environment, or surroundings, interact with the system. Finally, with the interaction understood, we study the thermal behavior of the system with the help of the laws of thermodynamics.

The thermal behavior of a system is described in terms of thermodynamic variables . For an ideal gas, these variables are pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of molecules or moles of the gas. Different types of systems are generally characterized by different sets of variables. For example, the thermodynamic variables for a stretched rubber band are tension, length, temperature, and mass.

The state of a system can change as a result of its interaction with the environment. The change in a system can be fast or slow and large or small. The manner in which a state of a system can change from an initial state to a final state is called a thermodynamic process    . For analytical purposes in thermodynamics, it is helpful to divide up processes as either quasi-static or non-quasi-static , as we now explain.

Quasi-static and non-quasi-static processes

A quasi-static process    refers to an idealized or imagined process where the change in state is made infinitesimally slowly so that at each instant, the system can be assumed to be at a thermodynamic equilibrium with itself and with the environment. For instance, imagine heating 1 kg of water from a temperature 20 ° C to 21 ° C at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere. To heat the water very slowly, we may imagine placing the container with water in a large bath that can be slowly heated such that the temperature of the bath can rise infinitesimally slowly from 20 ° C to 21 ° C . If we put 1 kg of water at 20 ° C directly into a bath at 21 ° C , the temperature of the water will rise rapidly to 21 ° C in a non-quasi-static way.

Quasi-static processes are done slowly enough that the system remains at thermodynamic equilibrium at each instant, despite the fact that the system changes over time. The thermodynamic equilibrium of the system is necessary for the system to have well-defined values of macroscopic properties such as the temperature and the pressure of the system at each instant of the process. Therefore, quasi-static processes can be shown as well-defined paths in state space of the system.

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Source:  OpenStax, University physics volume 2. OpenStax CNX. Oct 06, 2016 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3
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