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The Poehlman Case analysis/poster is about half way completed. It has been included to give you an idea of how the case development process looks (and feels) at its mid point. The STS table included provides a sense of the gaps that need to be filled with further investigation and analysis. For example, more information could be collected on hormonal treatment therapy. The dialogue box quoting from one of the witnesses could be expanded into conversations between Poelman and the witness or between the witness and officials at the University of Vermont. The point is to identify gaps in the case development that can be filled with moral imagination and further research.
Content | Style |
Information gaps such as details on hormone replacement therapy | Change "background" of poster; interferes with the title |
Provide more depth such as personalities of participants | Do not use the same "background" for the Ethical Problem section or eliminate this part to create more space for other parts |
Case needs "thickness" or more concrete detail | Difficult to read different sections (Too crowded) |
Describe motivations of main participants, especially Poehlman | Better arrangement of pictures on poster space needed |
More information such as the amount of money awarded to Poehlman in his grants | Eliminate shadows throughout poster |
More information needed on ORI investigative procedures | Poster should have "depth" in the form of embedded links that open up background information |
References to Wikipedia, the ORI publicity release, and Pascal presentation need to be in larger font | Empty space in Poster could be better utilized |
After you finish your poster presentation, take some time to reflect on the reaction of your teacher and classmates. Was it what you expected? How could you change things to align better your expectations and goals with results? What did you learn from developing this case? What were the obstacles, frustrations, or negative experience you faced in this exercise? Assess this exercise, your case, the reaction, and your experience in general.
Below are supporting materials to help with you as you work through this module. They include a presentation on writing and analyzing cases, a table of basic moral concepts, and a table of intermediate moral concepts.
Please see the Creative Commons License regarding permission to reuse this material.
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