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This module is a derived copy of a module that supports faculty development workshops. It is developed in conjunction with the EAC (ethics across the curriculum) Toolkit. Faculty development workshops bring instructors and researchers together into interdisciplinary teams to tackle the important task of providing students in the occupational and professional areas with ethics education. These workshops allow faculty the time and opportunity to develop resources and materials that support EAC educational efforts. But capturing the experience and knowledge generated can prove challenging. Post workshop enthusiasm and commitment wear off wear off as time passes. This module sustains the developing EAC community by providing an online environment in which participants can continue to develop and share the products created in EAC workshops. The community built up out of the collaborations that take place in faculty development workshops is maintained by having participants continue their collaboration through the testing, refining, and sharing of EAC modules and best practices. This module has been developed as a part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation, "Collaborative Development of Ethics Across the Curriculum Resources and Sharing of Best Practices," NSF-SES-0551779.

Issues identification activity in research ethics

On November 29, 2007, the GERESE team (Graduate Education in Research Ethics for Scientists and Engineers) held an issue identification workshop to identify and rank key issues in research ethics at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. Workshop participants discussed scenarios in research ethics. A brainstorming session led to a large unrefined list of issues. To pare this down and rank the remaining issues, participants were given stickers that were assigned different numerical values. They voted their preferences by placing their stickers on the issues they valued the most. The raw score on each issue was then tabulated. The following table lists the issues and their rankings.

This table shows research ethics issues at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez as identified and ranked by representative faculty members.
Research ethics issues at uprm
Issue Votes
Plagiarism 50
Scientific Rigor 45
Authorship 32
Record Keeping 25
Misrepresenting Expertise/Competence 24
Power Disparity 21
Stealing Ideas (Robo de Ideas) 20
Amiguismo (Showing undue partiality to friends) 17

Retreat agenda (translated into english)

Mini Conference on Research Ethics For GERESE Project (NSF 0629377) Friday August 28, 20095:00 PM Welcoming and Presentation of Retreat Program and Project 5:30 Integration Exercise (Pirate Code of Ethics)6:30 Dinner 7:30 K-12 Outreach (Presentation)8:00 Presentation on Freestanding Research Ethics Courses Saturday August 29, 20097:30 AM Breakfast 8:30 Presentations on Workshop Series (GAW, MDW, CAW, and Banquet)10:00 Break with Poster Presentations 10:30 Presentation on Case and Module Development10:45 Cases prepared in Breakout Groups 11:15 Groups debrief to Plenary on Cases12:00 Lunch1:30 PM Presentation on Global Results of GERESE Project 2:00 Groups break out, discuss project, then provide assessment3:30 Closings, Evaluations, and Coffee
GERESE Faculty Retreat Agenda

Questions & Answers

Three charges q_{1}=+3\mu C, q_{2}=+6\mu C and q_{3}=+8\mu C are located at (2,0)m (0,0)m and (0,3) coordinates respectively. Find the magnitude and direction acted upon q_{2} by the two other charges.Draw the correct graphical illustration of the problem above showing the direction of all forces.
Kate Reply
To solve this problem, we need to first find the net force acting on charge q_{2}. The magnitude of the force exerted by q_{1} on q_{2} is given by F=\frac{kq_{1}q_{2}}{r^{2}} where k is the Coulomb constant, q_{1} and q_{2} are the charges of the particles, and r is the distance between them.
What is the direction and net electric force on q_{1}= 5µC located at (0,4)r due to charges q_{2}=7mu located at (0,0)m and q_{3}=3\mu C located at (4,0)m?
Kate Reply
what is the change in momentum of a body?
Eunice Reply
what is a capacitor?
Raymond Reply
Capacitor is a separation of opposite charges using an insulator of very small dimension between them. Capacitor is used for allowing an AC (alternating current) to pass while a DC (direct current) is blocked.
A motor travelling at 72km/m on sighting a stop sign applying the breaks such that under constant deaccelerate in the meters of 50 metres what is the magnitude of the accelerate
Maria Reply
please solve
What is Thermodynamics
velocity can be 72 km/h in question. 72 km/h=20 m/s, v^2=2.a.x , 20^2=2.a.50, a=4 m/s^2.
A boat travels due east at a speed of 40meter per seconds across a river flowing due south at 30meter per seconds. what is the resultant speed of the boat
Saheed Reply
50 m/s due south east
which has a higher temperature, 1cup of boiling water or 1teapot of boiling water which can transfer more heat 1cup of boiling water or 1 teapot of boiling water explain your . answer
Ramon Reply
I believe temperature being an intensive property does not change for any amount of boiling water whereas heat being an extensive property changes with amount/size of the system.
Scratch that
temperature for any amount of water to boil at ntp is 100⁰C (it is a state function and and intensive property) and it depends both will give same amount of heat because the surface available for heat transfer is greater in case of the kettle as well as the heat stored in it but if you talk.....
about the amount of heat stored in the system then in that case since the mass of water in the kettle is greater so more energy is required to raise the temperature b/c more molecules of water are present in the kettle
definitely of physics
Haryormhidey Reply
how many start and codon
Esrael Reply
what is field
Felix Reply
physics, biology and chemistry this is my Field
field is a region of space under the influence of some physical properties
what is ogarnic chemistry
determine the slope giving that 3y+ 2x-14=0
Another formula for Acceleration
Belty Reply
a=v/t. a=f/m a
pratica A on solution of hydro chloric acid,B is a solution containing 0.5000 mole ofsodium chlorid per dm³,put A in the burret and titrate 20.00 or 25.00cm³ portion of B using melting orange as the indicator. record the deside of your burret tabulate the burret reading and calculate the average volume of acid used?
Nassze Reply
how do lnternal energy measures
Two bodies attract each other electrically. Do they both have to be charged? Answer the same question if the bodies repel one another.
No. According to Isac Newtons law. this two bodies maybe you and the wall beside you. Attracting depends on the mass och each body and distance between them.
Are you really asking if two bodies have to be charged to be influenced by Coulombs Law?
like charges repel while unlike charges atttact
What is specific heat capacity
Destiny Reply
Specific heat capacity is a measure of the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin). It is measured in Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C).
specific heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius or kelvin
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Source:  OpenStax, Graduate education in research ethics for scientists and engineers. OpenStax CNX. Dec 14, 2009 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10408/1.3
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