The dance could be complementary to the visual art, music and drama by means of the activities.
Bring your favourite colour T-shirt (not black or white) to wear to your dance class.
Warming up
Warming up should be done increasingly and faithfully. Its purpose is to safeguard the body against injuries, make it supple and keep it in shape and to develop technical skills. Combinations and sequences of movement should be included.
The learner should follow the educator’s guidance when a sequence of warming up exercises is introduced. Repetition of sequences and the correct placing of the body are always important in conditioning the body and to make it supple and develop skills.
You will get the opportunity to create your own combinations and sequences, which will include elements of design for choreography, e.g. fast, slow, light, flowing, jerky, high, low, quiet or peaceful.
Dance and warming up exercises executed faithfully and with purpose can also prepare and strengthen your body for your favourite sport.
Activity 1:
Exploring relationships through dance
[lo 3.3]
Trusting exercise
Explore, discover and observe feelings to develop a sensitive awareness of your own feelings and space as well as those of others.
Form a group in the centre of the room as close as possible to one another without touching.
Walk and thread amongst one another, stay as close as possible to one another without touching or bumping into one another. Make eye contact with one another.
Now, walk away from one another as far as possible in the opposite direction, towards the open space, so that you are alone. Avoid eye contact.
Walk back to the centre of the room again and thread amongst one another as before.
Repeat this activity several times, so that you experience both a group feeling of closeness, and a contrasting, lonely separation.
Discuss what you have learnt about yourself.
Am I an outgoing person, who likes to approach other people, or am I withdrawn and wait for other people to approach me?
Did I feel rejected or relieved that the others left me alone?
Did I feel threatened, or did I enjoy it when other people entered my personal space?
Activity 2:
Counter balancing with a friend
[lo 3.3]
The presenter will lead you in this activity.
Walk towards a friend. Clasp both hands of our friend in front of you (preferably around the wrists), firmly keeping your bodies in one line. Lean away from one another from the ankles and stretch the elbows, making use of each other’s weight to keep your balance.
Bend your knees simultaneously and sit down on the floor without moving your feet, still holding hands.
Rise slowly and stretch your knees.
Now walk to another friend and repeat the activity.
When you developed enough confidence, you can experiment by doing the exercise back-to-back and side-by-side, using only one hand.
Now walk to a friend wearing a T-shirt that complements the colour of your T-shirt or walk to friend who is wearing a shirt of a contrasting colour.
With a friend devise a movement sequence of your choice that precedes the counter-balancing activity, e.g. begin away from each other. Stretch in any manner, shrink, stretch, do a turning movement, run to one another, hold hands and counter balance.
Learning Outcomes(LOs)
LO 3
PARTICIPATION AND COOPERATION The learner is able to display personal and social skills while participating in arts and culture activities as an individual and in a group
Assessment Standards(ASs)
We know this when the learner:
GENERAL In regard to 3.1 – 3.8 below:
is able to transform personal experiences into forms of expression;
is able to make his or her own contribution within the group;
discusses, plans and shares resources with others in producing a collective artwork or presentation to promote nation building in South Africa;
MUSIC (3.6 – 3.7)
sings and/or plays South African songs from various cultures with appropriate rhythm, tempo and dynamics;
creates suitable melodic or non-melodic accompaniment for any South African folk song, anthem or melody;
DRAMA (3.4 – 3.5)
works sensitively in a group to explore and develop scenes around personal and social issues, experimenting with alternative solutions to problems;
demonstrates ability to listen attentively, respond to cues, speak and move in harmony in a group-dramatised choral verse or dramatised prose item;
demonstrates trust-building partner skills through activities such as:
creating visually effective contrasting and complimentary shapes;
inventing ways to counterbalance weight with a partner.