Students may have difficulty with the words deprecate, agitation, and concedes. Synonyms:
deprecate = denounce, criticize
agitation = protest, debate
concede = grant, give in, admit
For English learners, cognates from their first language may be more helpful than English synonyms. Spanish cognates:
deprecate = desaprobar
agitation = agitación
concede = conceder
Quick write
Ask students to take about five minutes to do the following Quick Write, which is listed on their handout and the transparency:
In your
Reader's/Writer's Notebooks , please:
1. Restate the above quotation in your own words.
2. Comment on whether you agree or disagree with what is said.
Explain using examples and evidence from your own experiences.
If this is the first time students are using
Reader's/Writer's Notebooks , explain the purposes of the tool and give them a few strategies to get started. For instance, you might show them your own notebook and point out how you title some writings and not others. Show them a range of writings (e.g., some notes you took while thinking through a new idea, a response you wrote to an article you read, a list of quotations you have been collecting, a description of something you saw).
Writing is both a tool for thinking and a rehearsal for speaking. Give students two to three minutes to write individually before sharing what they wrote with a partner or in a trio.
It is important for students to take time to restate the quotation before agreeing or disagreeing with what is said. Explicit self-explanation supports comprehension.
Quick Writes are opportunities to assess students' initial understanding and think about how to support their learning as the lesson proceeds.
The teacher resource,
Amplified Readers’ Writer’s Notebook , includes extended activities for English Learners to help them identify key cognates and vocabulary that will aid their reading comprehension. The resource also illustrates how to help learners build upon previous language study from earlier grades. The example from Lesson 1 follows up on the students’ close examination of language during an earlier study of Martin Luther King’s speech, “I Have a Dream.” At that time, students underlined repetitive phrases, starred the main verb in each sentence, and marked phrases that were similar. This aided English learners’ comprehension through a systematic study of language structure and syntax in meaning making and aligned with the California LC1.2 Standard: Understand sentence construction (e.g., parallel structure, subordination, proper placement of modifiers) and proper English usage (e.g., consistency of verb tenses). The teacher resource shows how to have students use the
Amplified Douglass Handout in Lesson 1. On the Amplified Handout, the repeated words are in italics and students are asked to note Douglass use of syntax in order to aid in their literal, beginning comprehension of the text. Teachers are encouraged to remind students of the habits of thinking about reading text they already know how to use from earlier work and to apply that learning here. The Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook gives them a place to record what they think Douglass’ quotation is about.