Posting your work
You are now ready to post your first 3 documents into
your electronic Teaching Portfolio (E-Portfolio). Here is an overview ofwhat you will be doing:
- Posting your "Professional Statement" document into the
"Professional Statement" section of your E-Portfolio.
- Posting your "Reflection" document into the "Reflection" section
of your E-Portfolio.
- Posting your "The Imagined Classroom" document into "The Imagined
Classroom" section of your E-Portfolio.
First, read the instructions below. Then click on the
word "here" on the bottom of this page to access the E-Portfolio.
Steps to Posting Documents in your Electronic Teaching Portfolio
- You are already registered for your E-portfolio. Use the same
"username" and "password" that you've used for the Certificate ofTeaching Mastery to "log on" to your E-Portfolio.
- Your "Name," "Country" and "Email" should appear in the top three
lines on that page. Please review it for accuracy. If any of theinformation is incorrect, you can change it by typing in the correct
information and then click on the "Submit" button to the right. Waituntil you see the words "Successfully Uploaded" appear in red at the top
of the page, then proceed with the next step.
- Scroll down to the "Professional Statement" section.
- In the "Document to Post" section under it, click "Browse " in order to
look for the file you want to post. Once you've found the file, click onit. You will know that you have done this correctly if the file name
appears in the box to the left of the word "Browse".
- If you choose the wrong file, simply delete the file name by
backspacing over the file name that appears in the box to the left of theword "Browse."
- When you're ready to post your file, click the "Submit" button.
(Important: Wait until you see the words "Successfully Uploaded"appear in red at the top of the page, then proceed with the next step.)
- Go to the "Reflection" section and follow steps 4-6 (from above).
- Scroll down to the "The Imagined Classroom" section and follow steps
4-6 (from above).
- Log out by clicking the "Log out" button on the upper right hand side of
the page.
- To see the information and files you just posted as it appears to the
public, go to the opening page of your E-Portfolio. Instead of loggingon as a "User," look at the bottom of the opening page of the E-Portfolio
under "View Portfolios." Choose your name in the "By Teacher Name"section, and press "Go."
Now that you've read the instructions, to post documents,
The importance of questioning has been emphasized
throughout the Certificate of Teaching Mastery. In Course 1, you wereintroduced to the "Question Wall," and thereafter, you have added
questions to this "Question Wall" in the WebBoard area.
The next part of your E-Portfolio has to do with
questions you've created, and questions you can generate now. Here's whatto do:
- Open a new, blank Word document and at the top of the page, write the
title: "My Questions." Look at your learning circle's Question Wallnow and write down the questions you posted to the wall.
- Under the list of questions you just typed, write the title:
"Questions that Interest Me" and write any questions from the wall thatanyone else may have posted that hold some interest for you now.
- Under the questions you just typed, write the title: "New Questions"
and write any new questions that come to mind as you are reading formerquestions from the Question Wall. You might also look through past
assignments and reflections to stimulate any new questions that cometo mind about educational theory, practice, etc.
- Read the questions you have listed in all of the 3 sections above and
write 4-5 sentences about what you notice about the questions.
- Send this "Questions" document to your mentor.
- When your mentor says you are "Ready" to continue, follow the
instructions in the previous "Posting Your Work" section and add thisdocument to your E-Portfolio into the "Questions" section.