Table 4.1 gives many useful z-transform pairs . All signals are causal (right-sided), except two which are anticausal (left-sided). Notice that a transform can be expresed equivalently as a function of
or z , for example
Table 4.1 : Common z-transform pairs
Which form is more appropriate depending on what we would like to do with the transform. (see sections 4.1.6 , 4.3 and 4.6).
The z-transform applies to systems as well as signals because systems are represented by their impulse responses which are functions of index n (time or space …) just like signals. Remember that many other transforms (Laplace, Fourier …) have the same property, and due to this property that the transforms are useful in the analysis and design of systems because signals and systems interact.
Specifically , the z–transform of impulse response h(n) is
(one–sided transform ) (4.8)
(two–sided transform )(4.9)
depending on whether the system is causal or noncausal .
, the z–transform of
, is called transfer function or system function of the system .
Example 4.1.3
A system has impulse respone
h(n) = [1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6]
Find the transfer function .
The system is of noncausal FIR type . Its transfer function is
On the contrary, if
is known as above we can easily obtain
1.5 eigen-function and eigen-value
We know that if the frequency response of a system is
then for input
, the output is
. Because of this ,
is the eigen-function , and
the eigen-value of the system.
Now , for input
the system output is
In the brackets is just H(z) , thus
Hence in the z–transform domain ,
is eigen-function and
is eigen-value of the system.
1.6 transfer function in terms of filter coefficients
For , Let’s begin with the general filter difference equation which is repeated here
are the filter coefficients (constants) , and the limits M, N can be extended to infinity .
Now we make the replacement
to get
From this we derive the expression of
It is worthwhile to notice that the above transfer function is resulted from the filter equation (4.12) . Other authors write the filter equation differently (for example, all the y terms are on the left side of the equation), leading to a slightly different expression of
. For nonrecursive fillters the denominator is just 1 and
becomes that of nonrecursive filters as we know .
The idea here is that when the filter equation is given, we collect its coefficients to place into the expression above of
without the need to take the z-transform. Vice versa, if we know
that means we know the filler coefficients , hence the filter equation.
Example 4.1.4
Find the filter difference equation.
(a) Write
as a function of
by multiplying the numerator and denominator with
The coefficients are
Thus the filler equation is
(b) Multiply the numerator and denominator with
to make
in the denominator equal to 1 :
Collect the coefficients: