Professional development
As part of New Jersey’s commitment to standards and accountability to school leaders, the professional development component is offered as a companion to the performance based leadership evaluation process. Standards based and job embedded experiences requires systematically and intentionally planning for the development of knowledge
for, in , and
of practice related to school leadership. First and foremost, the professional development experience for school leaders should be driven by feedback from the evaluation process. The professional development framework should include action research, study groups, peer observations, shadowing sessions, journal writing, and group lectures delivered by experts in the field (Sparks&Loucks-Horsley, 1990).
This proposed system of principal evaluation is in direct response to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Executive Order No. 42. It is submitted by the executive board for the New Jersey affiliate of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NJ-NCPEA) for discussion and proposed as a suggested comprehensive strategy to address the need for a uniform and reliable statewide system of principal evaluation and assessment.
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Appendix a
Appendix b
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium 2008 Standards (CCSSO, 2008, p. 14-15)