Question 4 / 31:  Which of the following is true about typical real estate investment (unlevered, at the direct property level) and inflation risk?
A  Real estate investment appreciation returns do not generally keep pace with inflation in the
long run, but real estate investment provides a hedge against inflation risk in that unexpected
changes in inflation tend to be positively correlated with changes in property value in the
short to medium term.
B  Real estate investment appreciation returns generally at least equal the inflation rate in
the long run, but real estate does not provide a good hedge against inflation risk in that
unexpected changes in inflation do not tend to be positively correlated with changes in property
value in the short to medium term.
C  Real estate investment appreciation returns generally at least equal the inflation rate in
the long run, and real estate investment provides a hedge against inflation risk in that unexpected
changes in inflation tend to be positively correlated with changes in property value in the
short to medium term.
D  Real estate investment appreciation returns do not generally keep pace with inflation in the
long run, and real estate does not provide a good hedge against inflation risk in that unexpected
changes in inflation do not tend to be positively correlated with changes in property value
in the short to medium term.
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Real Estate Finance & Investment Midterm Exam 2003


Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Geltner, David, and Tod McGrath. 11.431J Real Estate Finance and Investment, Fall 2006. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 1 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Dionne Mahaffey
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