Card 12 / 284: Which of the following is an example of how role identities can become a barrier to effective communication?
A recent German immigrant discusses social mobility in Europe with an audience of Canadians.
A business executive is the guest lecturer for a graduate-level class studying supply-side economics.
A nurse shows a group of diabetic children how to help their parents choose healthy foods when they go shopping.
A woman argues to a jury that is half men and half women that a convicted rapist should receive the maximum penalty.
A teenager whose father suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is the guest on a radio show in which the host asks her many questions about the impact of PTSD on its victims.
E) A teenager whose father suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is the guest on a radio show in which the host asks her many questions about the impact of PTSD on its victims.
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