Question 6 / 36:  You plan to buy a used car and want to purchase it for the least possible cost. You realize the seller will try to get the most money that he can for the car. Which of the following best describes this type of bargaining?
A  Expanded pie
B  Integrative
C  Distributive
D  Win-win
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Please refer to subunit 3.1. In Beyond Intractability's article by Brad Spangler, "Distributive Bargaining," you will read that in distributive bargaining, there is a fixed resource (or pie). Therefore, the more one side gets, the less the other side gets. This is also known as "win-lose" bargaining.

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
Marion Cabalfin
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