Question 15 / 36:  William Ury describes an ability of humans all around the world to live together using dialogue, community problem solving, and conflict resolution. What is Ury's term for this concept?
A  The Primary Side
B  The Second Side
C  The Third Side
D  The Fourth Side
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C. Please refer to subunit 2.5: University of California Television San Diego: Dr. William Ury's "From the Boardroom to the Border: Negotiating for Sustainable Agreements." Dr. Ury describes his observation of various societies throughout the world and their methods for resolving conflict. He states that tribes and communities find ways of resolving conflict through patience and persistent negotiation until the relationship is restored. He refers to the method of conflict resolution by employing dialogue, community problem solving, and conflict resolution as the "Third Side."

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
Madison Christian
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Keyaira Braxton
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