Question 53 / 107:  Which of the following statements is not characteristic of the artists known as the Pictures Generation?
A  They emphasized the image-saturated and media-driven nature of contemporary society.
B  They privileged the copy over the original through appropriation and pastiche.
C  They advocated for an art of purity, originality, and transcendence
D  Their works often suggest that identity is culturally determined.
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Purity, originality, and transcendence are modernist values that were critiqued by the artists associated with the Pictures Generation. For more information, please refer to subunit 11.2.

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Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art

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Attribution:  Anahit Ter-Stepanian, PhD; Rebecca Butterfield, PhD. Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art. (The Saylor Academy 2014), (Accessed 14 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND
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