Question 71 / 107:  Which artist wrote "Art after Philosophy," in which s/he argued that artists should be questioning the term art and its cultural significance?
A  Joseph Kosuth
B  Sol LeWitt
C  Robert Smithson
D  Michael Heizer
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Joseph Kosuth was the author of "Art after Philosophy." Kosuth was fascinated by the way that culture shaped our understanding of what constitutes art. If necessary, please review the material in subunit 10.1.

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Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art

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Attribution:  Anahit Ter-Stepanian, PhD; Rebecca Butterfield, PhD. Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art. (The Saylor Academy 2014), (Accessed 14 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND
Prateek Ashtikar
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