Question 3 / 36:  When discussing Game Theory, what rule says that "you should pick the strategy where the maximum advantage of your opponent is minimized?"
A  Minimax theorem
B  Partial information theorem
C  Win-win theorem
D  Lose-lose theorem
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Please refer to subunit 3.1.2. In DigitalTonto's article by Greg Satell, "A Guide to Game Theory and Negotiations," the author cites an example of two people bargaining over a "fixed pie." While each person has strategies available to them, "the outcome is not just dependent on the strategy chosen, but also on what their opponent does." According to the minimax theorem, "you should pick the strategy where the advantage of your opponent is minimized."

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
Briana Knowlton
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