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Question 1 / 121:  What does cohesion mean?
A  cohesion is a measure of how the methods of a class or a module are meaningfully and strongly
related and how focused they are in providing a well-defined purpose
B  cohesion is a measure of how the attributes of a class or a module are hidden from other classes
and resticly accessed through only public accessors
C  cohesion is a measure of how a class or a module is dependent on another class or module
D  cohesion is a measure of how the methods within a class are dependent on each other
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Cohesion is a measure of how the methods of a class or a module are meaningfully and strongly related and how focused they are in providing a well-defined purpose to the system.

A class is identified as a low cohesive class, when it contains many unrelated functions within it.

And that what we need to avoid, because big classes with unrelated functions hamper their maintaining.

Advice : make your class small and with precise purpose and highly related functions.

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Prateek Ashtikar
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