Question 16 / 33:  Water flows through a 0.5 inch ID 90-degree elbow at 50 L/min. What is the associated pressure drop?
A  1.75 kPa
B  1.75 Pa
C  35 Pa
D  17.5 kPa
E  175 kPa
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The first step here is to calculate Re for the corresponding flow in a straight pipe. Here, it is about 80,000. Hence, the flow is fully turbulent. Then, we may follow the calculation procedure as set forth in the Roymech resource on "Fluid Flow in Pipes" cited in Unit 4 or another like it. There is no need to memorize such procedures, but you should be familiar with following them. For the case here, we find v = 6.6 m/s, fT = 0.027, and K = 0.81. Hence, the pressure drop associated with the fitting is approximately 0.81 * v2/2 * r = 17.5 kPa.

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Thermal-Fluid Systems ME303


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Attribution:  Dr. Steve Gibbs. Thermal-Fluid Systems. The Saylor Academy 2014,
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