Question 128 / 297:  What is the result of compiling and running the following code?
public class Tester {

static void call(Long x, Long y) {

System.out.print("Long x, Long y");


static void call(int... x) {

System.out.print("int... x");


static void call(Number x, Number y) {

System.out.print("Number x, Number y");


public static void main(String[] args) {

int val = 3;

call(val, val);



A  Long x, Long y
B  int... x
C  Number x, Number y
D  Compilation error
E  An exception is thrown at run time
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Var-args is always chosen last.

You cannot widen then autobox (cannot widen from int to long then autobox to Long), BUT you can autobox then widen (autobox to Integer then widen to Number, Integer extends Number) therefore “Number x, Number y” is printed

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