Question 3 / 8:  The vestibular system can be stimulated or irritated by an infection of the inner ear or by a tumor (arrow) pressing on the vestibulocochlear nerve. Which of the following would NOT occur?
A.  Decreased auditory acuity.
B.  Vertigo.
C.  Tinnitis.
D.  Loss of facial sensation.
E.  Nausea.
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Facial sensation, mediated by CN V would not be affected by a tumor compressing CN VIII, unless the tumor is large enough to press on CN V or affect the descending nucleus and tract of V in the medulla.

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Neuroanatomy 08 The Vestibular System


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Attribution:  Stephen C. Voron, M.D., Suzanne S. Stensaas, Ph.D. , Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132,
Madison Christian
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