Question 13 / 56:  the right to compel others to obey the law and to punish those who violate it
1.  politics
2.  authority
3.  government
4.  laws
5.  band
6.  tribe
7.  sodalities
8.  chiefdom
9.  state
10.  matrifocal societies
11.  law
12.  legal authority
13.  sanction
14.  negative sanctions
15.  negotiation
16.  mediation
17.  court
18.  oaths
19.  ordeals
20.  retribution
21.  feuds
22.  raids
23.  war
24.  internal warfare
25.  crime
26.  rebellion
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Attribution:  Prof. Richley Crapo, Cultural Anthropology. (Utah State University), (Accessed 28 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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