Question 14 / 96:  Suppose a farmer trades the metalsmith 10 pigs to obtain an axe that

the farmer will use to chop down trees. The metalsmith intends to keep

the pigs and eventually eat them. Is this a direct or indirect exchange?

Explain your answer.


A direct exchange occurs when both parties intend to personally

use the item received, either for consumption or production. Since

the farmer wants to use the axe to cut down trees, and the metalsmith

wants to eat the pigs, this qualifies as a direct exchange.

Sample Partial Credit Answer

This is a direct exchange because the metalsmith eats the pigs,

rather than selling the bacon to others.

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Capitalism: The Market Economy

Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist. (Mises Institute), (Accessed 04 April, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY
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