Question 54 / 96:  Respond to someone who says, "For every lender who grows rich, there must be a borrower who grows poor."

This is wrong because it overlooks the possibility of "productive

borrowing." A business can borrow money by issuing bonds, for

example, and use the funds to invest in expanding its operations.

Although the business has to pay out interest on the loans, its

investment gives it higher revenues, so it can afford to do so and is

better off for having borrowed the money.

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That might be true in some cases but it isn't always true.

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Capitalism: The Market Economy

Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist. (Mises Institute), (Accessed 04 April, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY
Dravida Mahadeo-J...
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