Question 101 / 102:  Would a denatured antigen be expected to have the same epitopes as its native (non-denatured) counterpart? Why?
A  Yes-epitopes are just a sequence of amino acids in a row, so they do not change regardless
of 3D shape of the protein molecule they lie within.
B  No-ALL epitopes are dependent on being in the proper original 3D conformation in the protein
they arise within. Denaturing them would destroy them by destroying that conformation.
C  Yes AND No-SOME epitopes are dependent on 3D conformation (conformational epitopes), while
some simply depend on the primary order of amino acids (linear epitopes). So, really, it depends
on the particular epitope.
D  Yes-all proteins must be broken down into individual epitopes for presentation to B and T cells
on MHC molecules, so each antigen protein MUST be denatured to yield ANY epitopes.
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