Question 123 / 150:  The 2005 ACA code addresses end-of-life issues since these issues

are getting a high degree of social attention (e.g., the Oregon

assisted suicide law and the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case).

The new code

A  fi nally takes a moral stance on abortion and gives counselors a road map for dealing with
this issue.
B  suggests that counselors who are helping terminally ill clients who are thinking of hastening
their own death must break confi dentiality
C  suggests that counselors who are helping terminally ill clients who are thinking of hastening
their own death would have the option of breaking or not breaking confi - dentiality
D  suggests that a counselor who morally refuses to assist a terminally ill client who wants
to hasten her death (and hence, wishes to explore end-of-life options) is acting in an unethical
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NCE: Counseling Families, Diagnosis, and Advanced


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Madison Christian
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