Question 90 / 97:  DNA transfer by conjugation is more efficient in a liquid medium setting, subjected to very mild agitation (stirring), rather than on an agar plate format. Why?
A  Direct cell-to-cell contact is required for this process, and this is more likely to be achieved
in the plate format than in the fluid format (especially for relatively non-motile types of
B  Direct cell-to-cell contact isn't required for this process, so the ability to secrete the
DNA into the surrounding fluid medium makes the process more efficient than the dry surface
of an agar plate.
C  Direct cell-to-cell contact is required for this process, and this is more likely to be achieved
in the fluid liquid format than on an agar plate (especially for relatively non-motile types
of bacteria).
D  Trick question-it can take place with the same degree of efficiency on either format. It doesn't
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Madison Christian
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