Question 19 / 107:  Briefly explain how the Suprematists' search for the "zero degree of painting" affected the style of their work.
Your answer should be something like this: The Suprematists searched for the "zero degree of painting" in order to find the point beyond which the painting would no longer be considered art. This led them to reduce their motifs to their simplest forms and to emphasize the surface texture of the paintings. If you need to review, please see the readings in subunit 4.1.
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Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art

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Attribution:  Anahit Ter-Stepanian, PhD; Rebecca Butterfield, PhD. Art History ARTH209 20th Century Art. (The Saylor Academy 2014), (Accessed 14 May, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND
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