Question 50 / 102:  Are all fungi detrimental (bad) for other organisms?
A  Yes-think of molds that destroy plant crops, or fungal infections that cause athlete's foot.
All fungi are bad for organisms they colonize.
B  Yes-fungi feed directly on organic material (oftentimes killing it or feeding on it after the
original organism has died). As such, they are always bad for other organisms.
C  No-fungi are sometimes good, sometimes bad for other organisms. It really depends on which
fungus you're talking about and the relationship it has with the other organism. Some fungi,
for example, can form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots that increases their nutrient
and water absorption. This is good.
D  No-fungi are ALWAYS good when they interact with other organisms. There's never a downside
or negative aspect to such interactions. Both sides always benefit from the relationship.
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