Question 76 / 104:  A microbe is discovered growing near a deep sea thermal vent. When researchers bring a sample up to the surface and try to grow it in a lab at room temperature in a normal incubator, they are unsuccessful. Why?
A  The pressure isn't the same at sea-level as it is on the ocean floor.
B  Oxygen concentrations are very different between the two environments-it's possible the microbe
is a strict anaerobe and is poisoned by the air (oxygen) in the lab.
C  Salt concentrations might be different in the media the researchers are attempting to use and
the salt water the microbe is used to living in. This might be causing osmotic pressure differences
that the microbe can't tolerate.
D  The temperature is probably very different-the bottom of the ocean would be very cold, while
these researchers are trying to grow this microbe at room temperature. The enzymes in the cells
are probably outside of their normal operating range at room temperature, and therefore nonfunctional.
E  All of the above.
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