Question 24 / 25:  9 day old quarter horse mare off feed PU/PD

Glucose :146 (normal 136)-high

BUN 46 (normal 28) Creat 6 (normal 1.8) TP (normal)

Phosphorus 1.3 (normal 4.6)- low Albumin 2.2 ( normal 2.5) -low

Calcium 15.4 (normal 13.4)-high Globulin (normal)

Urinalysis: USG: 1.011 Protein :3+ WBC /RBC: rare

What is occurring?

A  Glomerular issue
B  renal tubular issue
C  renal failure
D  All of the above
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Horses will retain Calcium in renal failure.

Glomerular issue is known by the protein in urine

Tubular disease is by the isothenuria

renal failure is known from USG and azometemia

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