Question 11 / 30:  8 yr old mixed breed dog presents with unproductive coughing, vomitting undigested food, and gagging. The dog is not retching . The vomitting occurs shortly after eating or a few hours later. The cough often proceeds the vomiting. On PE, the dog appears weak, depressed, and nauseated. The only other abnormal finding on PE are wheezes over ventral thorax on left and right side. The dog is current on vaccinations. After taking radiographs, you are able to diagnose this patient with aspiration pneumonia secondary to megaesophagus. What is the best treatment ?
A  Place dog on Metaclopramide for gastric motility and Ranitine for esophagitis along with broad
spectrum antibiotics for 2-3 weeks for pneumonia
B  Treat pneumonia with broad spectrum antibiotics and feed animal using Bailey chair
C  Need to perform an esophageal larygoscopy for a diagnosis
D  Surgical myotomy
E  GIve steroids to treat for possible hypoadrenocortiscism and the aspiration pneumonia should
resolve itself
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Clin Sci I - GI Twedt quiz


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Brooke Delaney
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