Question 25 / 30:  8 yr old MC DSH cat presented for weight loss with anorexia and vomitting

PE : Temp 103 (increased) , Resp: 60 (increased) HR normal Tacky mucous membranes Weight: obese 6.1 kg

Integ: 10% dehydrated; Harsh lung sounds throughout all lung field but no murmurs. The cat is laterally recumbent and somewhat responsive. CBC shows inflammatory leukogram.

Biochem panel reveals Azotemia (increased BUN and Creat) , hyperglycemia Glu: 470 (normal140)

Low HCO3 :10 (normal 24) , low Cl :110 (normal 125), and low Na : 144 (normal 147) with High K.

Urinalysis shows Ketones 4+ and glucose 4+

Thoracic Radiographs: Diffuse, mixed interstitial and alveolar pattern suggestive of bronchopneumonia.

You diagnose the cat with Diabetes Mellitus with ketoacidosis (DKA), what do you think could have triggered the ketoacidosis?

A  bronchopneumonia
B  Excess glucose in urine
C  too much cat nip
D  obesity
E  dehydration
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DKA is nearly always accompanied by some concurrent illness such as an infection or pancreatitis. The cat is suffering from bronchopneumonia which likely caused enough additional insulin resistance to push him into ketoacidosis

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