Question 21 / 21:  5 yr old dog with vomit and abdominal pain. Here are the following lab results:

BUN 200 (normal 28) -HIGH

Creat 5.2 (normal 1.7) -HIGH

Ca 11.5 (normal )

ALT 130 (normal 120)-HIGH

AST 25 (normal )

ALP 120 (normal)

Amylase 2800 (normal 1250)-HIGH

Lipase 1750 (normal 560)-HIGH

USG: 1.010

PLI : 140 ( normal <200)

What is the most likely interpretation?

A  Pancreatitis
B  Hepatic disease
C  Enteritis
D  Lymphoma
E  Renal disease
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The PLI is normal , this rules out pancreatitis

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