Question 13 / 25:  5 yr old ,550kg ,4 month pregnant, Holstein cow had a 2 month history of weight loss, reduced appetite and decreased milk production. The owner reported that the cow had mild colic symptoms associated with a fever 2 days ago. Prior to presentation, the owner treated the cow with oral antibiotics and he also administered one dose of an NSAID (Banamine, flunixin meglumine) intravenously. The cow came from a closed herd but the owner reported that a few other cows (the cows with the highest milk production) also developed weight loss and reduced milk production. The cow’s diet consisted of a haylage and high moisture shell corn. On PE: quiet and responsive and was reluctant to move. The mucous membranes were pink and the CRT was 2 sec. Auscultation of the heart and lungs were within normal limits. Rumen contractions were decreased at 1 contraction/3 min and had a soft expiratory grunt on withers pinch. The cow normal feces. Rectal examination revealed a small rumen and a pregnant uterus. No other abnormalities were present on physical examination. If this is liver abscess, is this a good prognosis?
A  Yes
B  No
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this is a poor prognosis.

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