Question 26 / 30:  3 yr old FS poodle presents with sudden onset of severe bloody diarrhea. On PE , the dog is weak and reluctant to stand. The temp is 98.5 (low) and reps is 34 (high) along with weak pulse. The abdomen is tender on palpation and intestines are fluid filled. Hydration is normal with moist mucous membranes. Fundoscopic exam reveals engorged retinal vessels. CBC reveals a PCV of 69%. along with a stress leukogram. Fecal exam was neg for parasites. The dog responds dramatically to IV shock fluids , parenteral penicillin , and dexamethasone . What is the most likely diagnosis?
A  Acute Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE)
B  Parvo
C  Campylobacter
D  self limiting diarrhea
E  Mast cell tumor
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the cause of HGE is unknown

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