Question 21 / 25:  2 yr old mixed breed dog presents for seizures. One of your differentials is a portosystemic shunt . Here are the results of the CBC and Chemistry panel.

PCV 40 (normal) BUN: 6 (normal -7) Cholesterol 96 (normal 130)

MCV 57 (normal 60) Creat (normal) T Bilirubin (normal)

Seg Neutrophils (normal) Phos (normal) CK (normal)

Lymphocytes (normal) Ca 8.6 (normal 9.5) ALT, GGT, AST, ALP all increased .

Monocytes (normal) TP 4.2 ( normal5.4) BA's pre 55 post 312

Albumin 2 (normal 2.7)

Globulin (normal)

is there enough evidence to suspect a liver shunt?

A  Yes
B  No
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low MCV - either portosystemic shunt or Fe deficiency (blood loss).

BA's high

Liver enzymes - show significant liver disease

dog has history of seizures

TPs and albumin - low (also indicator of liver disease)

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