Question 9 / 50:  Patients with right or left hemisphere lesions were compared to healthy control

subjects in their abilities to interpret (identify) people who are lying through facial

expressions alone or through facial expressions and vocal cues. What was


A  Patients with either left or right hemisphere lesions were more accurate than controls
B  Patients with right hemisphere lesions were more accurate than patients with left hemisphere
lesions and healthy people.
C  Patients with left hemisphere lesions were more accurate than patients with right hemisphere
lesions and healthy people.
D  Patients with right hemisphere lesions were as accurate as controls and more accurate than
patients with left hemisphere lesions.
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Introduction to Psychology MCQ Exam 2010#2

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Attribution:  Gabrieli, John. 9.00 Introduction to Psychology, Spring 2010. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 2 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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