Question 43 / 43:  One of the identifying characteristics of oligopoly is sticky prices. When economists

state that prices are sticky with respect to oligopolistic industries, they mean that:

A  prices are set by the market rather than the firm or, in other words, the firm is a price-taker
rather than a price-setter.
B  the oligopolist sets product prices so that profits are maximized at all times.
C  prices are less responsive to changes in demand in oligopolies than in perfectly competitive
D  oligopolies practice predatory pricing, so competition in the market is reduced.
E  prices are less responsive to changes in costs, either input prices or technology, than in
perfectly competitive markets.
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Attribution:  Levy, Frank. 11.203 Microeconomics, Fall 2010. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 13 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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