Question 28 / 36:  Mergers and acquisitions can often result in social benefits. What might be considered a social benefit of an M&A?
A  It may provide better management or technical skill on underused assets.
B  It may result in economies of scale.
C  It can discourage managers in behaving in ways that fail to maximize profits.
D  All of these answers
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Please see subunit 4.2. The Free Dictionary's article on "Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)" cites the benefits and concerns of mergers and acquisitions. Federal and state laws regulate M&As to ensure that a newly merged or acquired firm does not result in unfair competition. Conversely, M&As often result in a number of social benefits that include "better management or technical skill to underused assets." M&As can also "result in economies of scale and scope that reduce costs, improve quality, and increase output." Finally, M&A's can "discourage company managers from behaving in ways that fail to maximize profits."

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
Dewey Compton
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