Question 25 / 26: 

Essay. Choose 1, worth 30 points. You don't have to answer the questions inside the essay question one by one.

In fact, if you plan it well, in answering one, you may answer another.

So, write an integrative answer to one of the following essay questions.

There are no length requirements; however, be sure to completely answer the question and use specific examples!

How is the way that sociologists think about these categories of difference sociological? Further, what does the sociological imagination and/or various other sociological perspectives add to the understanding of inequalities associated with these categories?

* Choose one specific category of difference we covered in class to focus on as you answer the above questions, being sure that you cite at least three relevant readings and two media/tangible examples from class in your discussion.

In one of the midterm evaluations a student said of this class, "I expected that we would discuss such things as gender, race and different inequalities that persist in society."
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Understanding Societies SOC 10002 Exam #2

Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Collett, Jessica. SOC 10002 - Understanding Societies, Spring 2009. (University of Notre Dame), (Accessed 22 Apr, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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