Question 6 / 18:  In his time management video lecture, what does Randy Pausch say about the need for time management?
A  Time and money are "equatable," and both must be managed.
B  Time is more important than money because you can't get it back.
C  Time management is systemic.
D  All of these answers
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Refer to Subunit 1.1. In his video lecture on time management, Randy Pausch tells us that time and money are both finite resources and are "equatable." They must both be managed. In fact, he says that time is more important than money because you can never get it back. Time management is systemic; it affects every part of our lives. If we do not manage our time effectively in one area of our lives, we will suffer negative consequences (ill health, stress, decreased productivity, etc.) in other arenas.

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Time and Stress Management MCQ


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Attribution:  Dionne Mahaffey. Time and Stress Management . The Saylor Academy 2014,
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