Question 33 / 36:  In Andrew Boughton's "Cultural Impact on Negotiation," which of the following cultural groups used the highest percentage of commands and gave comparatively little self-disclosure?
A  Spain
B  France
C  French-Speaking Canada
D  Germany
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Please refer to subunit 6.1. See Andrew Boughton's article: Cultural Impact on Negotiation to read about the distinctive negotiation behaviors of 15 cultural groups. You will learn about the conclusions drawn after studying video tapes of negotiations in various countries. While Japanese negotiation behavior appeared the least aggressive (with more positive promises, recommendations, and commitments), Spaniards used the highest percentage of commands of any of the groups and gave very little self-disclosure. They also tended to interrupt one another more frequently than the other cultural groups.

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Negotiations & Conflict Management BUS210


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Attribution:  Charles Jumper. Negotiations & Conflict Management (The Saylor Academy 2014),
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