Question 17 / 50:  In a study by Intriligator and Cavanaugh, the following graphic was shown,

and subjects were instructed to fixate on the cross while trying to attend to

features of the lines:

What does this display allow us to claim about the attentional system?

A  When looking at the cross, we are unable to attend to the lines, and thus show "change
blindness" to even dramatic changes in the line display.
B  Both the visual system and attentional system are better at processing horizontal lines than
vertical lines.
C  The resolution of the attentional system is not as precise as the resolution of the visual
D  The resolution of the attentional system is more precise than the resolution of the visual
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Introduction to Psychology MCQ Exam 2009#1

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Attribution:  Gabrieli, John. 9.00 Introduction to Psychology, Spring 2009. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 2 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Michael Sag
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