Question 13 / 83: 

A great many psychoactive drugs affect proteins associated with synaptic transmission.

Match the drug or class of drugs with its target(s).

For each of the following choose the correct receptor(s). Your choices are

A  dopamine D2 receptors
B  Na+/dopamine cotransporters
C  5HT transporters
D  serotonin receptors
E  GABAA receptors
F  adenosine receptors
g.  vesicular H+/dopamine antiporters
h.  monoamine oxidase
i.  µ-opiate receptors
j.  nACh receptors
k.  CB1 receptors
l.  NMDA receptors
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Introduction to Neuroscience Exam #4 (HST.131)


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Attribution:  Corey, David. HST.131 Introduction to Neuroscience, Fall 2005. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 12 Apr, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
David Bourgeois
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