Question 34 / 96:  Identify a profession in which current practitioners don't require much of a natural aptitude but where extensive training / experience is necessary.

Teaching English / being manager of a store in the mall / data entry for a particular company's unique database.

[NOTE TO TEACHER: For just about any profession, there is some natural aptitude required, in order to excel.

For example, some people just aren't "management material" and could never become the manager of a store in the mall, no matter how long they worked there.

But that seems different from saying that some people could never be theoretical physicists, or starting pitchers for the Yankees, no matter how long they prepared.

The important thing is that the student understands the difference between natural aptitude and training.]

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Attribution:  Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist. (Mises Institute), (Accessed 04 April, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY
Dravida Mahadeo-J...
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